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Integrity and professionalism with the eye and ear of a true insider - also known as "a local" By the way, it's o.k. to laugh here.
Helping To Put Things In Context: Something You Should Know About D.C.
Everyone knows Washington, D.C. for being the nation's capital where decisions are made that affect the country itself and impacts the world at large. But between the time that politicians and special interest groups like to use the city as the reason for all that ails America, it has a more intimate side. This is the side that one could think of as the "local" aspect of the city. I think if people understood what really exists within the boundaries of this diamond shaped (minus a complete side) metropolis, their perspectives may be altered considerably. As AWashingtonWoman will continue to focus on some of the wonderful women who make up the fabric of the DMV (a term used for the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area and includes: the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia), we will also strive to give you a little of the backstory, as objectively as we can. So it's been a year since this all began and without really trying, this blog has exceeded what our expectations were. So we are thinking that with a little love and a lot of integrity, we can share some real true insight which can be entertaining as well as informative. Who knows?.... Maybe it will even be ..... helpful.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
A Washington, D.C. Resident and the Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent for CBS Make An Ultimate Sacrifice

AWashingtonWoman would like to take a moment to recognize the sacrifice that she has had to make in an effort to keep us informed. We have the utmost respect for her professional commitment and though we know it is a small gesture for a tremendous and horrific experience we want to acknowledge her courage and it be known that time will heal.In the meantime she is in our thoughts and prayers.
We want to point out that many different people make up the great city of Washington, D.C. They make huge contributions and sacrifices that many only read about in books or go to movies to witness. But these are real people with real lives. They have families, conflicts and struggles just like people all over the country.
Frequently, "the problems of Washington" are discussed by talking heads, politicians and other politicos for their own self serving purpose. Many times the image they try to cast on this city is more a reflection of the acrimony and negativity they bring with them both in their hearts and their minds eye, as they are the ones prepared to do whatever is necessary to achieve thier own personal goals. Well, the next time that politician uses Washington as an example of what goes wrong with this country, perhaps it would serve everyone well to actually take a look at who and what actually hails from this city. There are more common everyday people that they seek to marginalize and villify also. These are the people whose ancestors litterally built and designed the walls of the Capitol and the streets they drive upon to get where they are going. Perhaps that too is a metaphor. Bottom Line: whether you were born here like myself or have been brought here for education or work like Ms. Logan (who by the way is originally from South Africa), we don't deserve to be used to elevate other's sense of purpose.
People like Lara Logan are here in numbers larger than anywhere else in the country. AWashingtonWoman will continue to elevate their images because they are the "real" women of Washington. By the way, she is also married and lives in a house, so perhaps she could be considered to be a REAL housewife of D.C. (And by the way, the men of this city are equally admirable, AWashingtonWoman is simply devoted to the task of shining the light on the women of the city)
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Loving vs Virginia: A Valentine's Story and A Tribute To Black History Month
This story actually occurred when I was a baby. My mother comes from a town not far from Caroline county. Many of my relatives from that area have been and continue to be of mixed blood. I am posting this for a couple of reasons. First, topics that seem to be ancient history aren't really that ancient unless you are suggestion that this "AWashingtonWoman" is ancient also (and I don't think ya really want to do that :). Next, these folks weren't trying to make a political statement. They simply loved each other and wanted to share their lives as man and wife. I am happy to say that love triumphed and thanks to the courage of these simple people Virginia became a state worthy of it's slogan saying "Virginia Is For Lovers". Not long ago, Virginia also could claim the unique distinction of having a city with the most diverse population in the world. I believe it was listed in the "Guinness's Book of World Records". It makes me proud to come from an area that has come such a long way in it's journey to respecting culture. Yes, there is still work to be done. But I believe Virginia will rise to the occasion.
When people visit Washington, D.C. I don't know if they understand the tri-state nature of this area. And us natives are often amused that the level of diversity is probably a surprise to many of our tourist. I even joke to my friends from other states that living here is like being part of the United Nations. I love that my children have been raised in a community that has every flavor of human being you can imagine. I love when I attend church when the priest asks visitors to introduce themselves and tell where they are from. People rattle off every country from the Netherlands, to the Caribbean and in between. I loved going to the monument for the fourth of July and looking out over a vast sea of humanity where people of all sorts of nationalities all sat together, anticipated and were in awe of the fireworks for this nation's birthday - together.
And I love that peole who just want to love each other -legally- came from the area I call home. So as we embark upon Valentine's Day weekend during this month where we acknowledge Black History I would like to embrace the spirit of Mr. and Mrs. Loving.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
High Percentage of Women Are Working Moms
Washington, D.C. has one of the highest populations of professional working women in the country. Many of these working women are moms and some are wives. Hey some are actually wives and moms. So just how do we pull it off? We aren't unlike women all over the country except for one dynamic: we are doing it in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.
Washington, D.C. just recieved some rather dubious recognitions. For example we spend more time in traffic than most others; we are apparently some of the rudest folk; we are very ambitious as we have one of the most educated populations and the distinctions go on and on. We are unique also as we are the seat of power in one of the most powerful cities on the planet. No pressure there. Actually, lot's of pressure there.
Over the next few days, I will be speaking with a variety of women who are coping with the uniqueness of our city while they raise families and earn incomes.
Washington, D.C. just recieved some rather dubious recognitions. For example we spend more time in traffic than most others; we are apparently some of the rudest folk; we are very ambitious as we have one of the most educated populations and the distinctions go on and on. We are unique also as we are the seat of power in one of the most powerful cities on the planet. No pressure there. Actually, lot's of pressure there.
Over the next few days, I will be speaking with a variety of women who are coping with the uniqueness of our city while they raise families and earn incomes.
Friday, February 4, 2011
White House Social Secretary, Julianna Smoot Takes A New Role

It's seems like not so long ago we were anticipating who the new White House Social Secretary would be. Well, it was not so long ago that we were introduced to Julianna Smoot and begun to get a glimpse of how her style would compare/contrast with that of her predecessor. We can forget about all of that now, as it appears Smoot is moving on down the line. But her talents will still play a major part in the president's team of players. Looks like she will be assisting with the upcoming campaign plans for the 2012 elections.
Though we didn't really get to know much about Julianna (and apparently that was to be part of how she handled things anyhow) but AWashingtonWoman can say that the social events of late at the White House have appeared to be virtually flawless. And to that end, might we say "mission accomplished". It's nice to feel pretty sure that there won't be any reality shows building itself on the backs of our citizens. All the best!
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