Helping To Put Things In Context: Something You Should Know About D.C.

Everyone knows Washington, D.C. for being the nation's capital where decisions are made that affect the country itself and impacts the world at large. But between the time that politicians and special interest groups like to use the city as the reason for all that ails America, it has a more intimate side. This is the side that one could think of as the "local" aspect of the city. I think if people understood what really exists within the boundaries of this diamond shaped (minus a complete side) metropolis, their perspectives may be altered considerably. As AWashingtonWoman will continue to focus on some of the wonderful women who make up the fabric of the DMV (a term used for the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area and includes: the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia), we will also strive to give you a little of the backstory, as objectively as we can. So it's been a year since this all began and without really trying, this blog has exceeded what our expectations were. So we are thinking that with a little love and a lot of integrity, we can share some real true insight which can be entertaining as well as informative. Who knows?.... Maybe it will even be ..... helpful.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The White House Correspondent's Dinner Is Upon Us and Julia Whiston at the Helm

Meet the Executive Director of the White House Correspondent's Association Dinner, Julia Whiston. She came on board over 15 years ago and has earned the designation of being a true veteran in planning the ever increasing in popularity event.
There will be over 2,600 guests filling the Ballroom of the Washington Hilton. This is an event that brings together politicos, Hollywood celebrities, sports figures and journalists as they break bread together under one roof. In a recent interview, Ms. Whiston shares some colorful experiences. This year if one simply peeps at the guest list you can be certain that this one will be no less colorful. Stay tuned and if nothing else AWashingtonWoman promises to give you the 411 on who wore what. So stay tuned....

What Once Washington Insider Made an Appearance On '30 Rock'?

Condoleeza Rice has long since blew out of the D.C. area, but who knew she would show up on an episode of '30 Rock'? Well that's exactly where you could have gotten a glimpse of her if you tuned in last Thursday. Ms. Rice was once the 66th Secretary of State during the Bush administration. She is also a respected scientist and diplomat, not to mention an accomplished pianist and professor of political science. However, wearing all those impressive hats didn't preventing her from taking on the role of Jack Donaghy's (Alec Baldwin's media executive character) ex-girlfriend. Writers even managed to include a scene where Rice's character has a musical showdown with her old beau. AWASHINGTONWOMAN is truly impressed with Ms. Rice's versatility. We say two thumbs up.