People are really intrigued with wives lately. There are more reality shows than one may care to count about wives. Bravo even ventured to do a Real Wife franchise based on spouses of D.C. However, what the network realized is that the "real" real wives weren't seduced by the fifteen minutes of fame and it wasn't easy to find participants who would share the details of their lives or allow themselves to be portrayed in a manner they probably where they wouldn't have much input. The result was women who were nice and or spicy but not too exciting in a way that much of the country could relate to or find interest in. Which is what brings us to sharing a little insight on yet another of Washington's jewels.
Huma Abedin,aide to Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has been refered to as Madame Secretary's "secret weapon". And it is no wonder as Ms. Abedin has a reputation for being no nonesense when it comes to her deciation to her work. She has also found herself with the much undesired focus for being married to Congressman Anthony Weiner. Congressman Weiner has recieved more than his share of media spotlight for being yet another politician behaving badly. As you must know by now, the congressman admited to exercising poor judgement when he tweeted pictures of his anatomy via social media to a variety of young women. AWW knows what you have all been thinking but we thought we would simply introduce you to truly Congressman Weiner's "better half".
The congressman and Huma have been married a little over a year. She was born in Michigan and yet was raised Saudi. Her father (who is deceased) was of Indian descent and her mother is from Pakistan. They raised Huma to be muslim and her jewish husband, Congressman Weiner often celebrates muslim holidays with her. Not unlike a growing number of mixed families they know how to celebrate the best of their faiths in a respectful and loving manner. AWW is sad that hubby forgot to keep the spousal respect thing going. But let's try to keep it real. Human frailty escapes not many of us so far be it from AWW to throw stones (wer'e just sayin'......). Anyhow.... back to the woman of the hour.
Ms. Huma is known to be very fashion forward and Oscar de la Renta actually designed her wedding gown and she was absolutely a vision. Apparently she also has a fashion appetite for Marc Jacobs and Prada.
On a more weighty side, Time magazine cited Huma Abedin to be "40 under 40" List of New Civic Leaders. Certainly, with grace, style and intelligence is how this AWashingtonWoman will weather this storm. We wish her well and though she has been brought to our attention because silliness seems to be able to both make and brake important people, our bets are that this won't be the last of hearing about Huma Abedin.