It has been drummed into most of us sufficiently by this twelth month how horrific and dire our economic outlook is and apparently the effects are being acted out. Yes this recession has been long. And yes there have been sacrifices and will continue to be. But perhaps the most destructive result of all this has been the degree of stress it has caused in most Americans. Washington, D.C. has not been spared.
Overall, people tend to be worried. Here in Washington we have been spared the same degree of challenge that much of the rest of the country has experienced. But what hasn't been spared is the degree of fear and mean-spiritedness that has been generated. So much of the discomfort that is extended to individuals is not natural. It is often man made and artifical. More often than not people are exceptionally harsh to one another. Greed and self interest has risen and compounded the difficulty many are experiencing.
On a positive note, there is also empathy and people being able to relate to others who are also afraid. There examples of compassion and unity. Gradually and maybe even reluctantly Washingtonians are realizing they must pull together. Hopefully this spirit isn't stopping at our city limits. As a matter of fact, it's probably is balancing out all across our nation. At least that is the hope of
"A WashingtonWoman".
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